The Curious case of Stateful Architecture!

Introduction As an Architect, when we start working on a new application or solution architecture; we study the requirements and see if the solution requires maintaining a specific set of states to support a business use case that requires maintaining a workflow or a state-machine (Event-Driven). Now, this is the tricky part; many would consider … More The Curious case of Stateful Architecture!

Modern Application Architecture and Java

Introduction Modern day web applications are increasingly under pressure to provide a richer user experience. Usually those applications start with the ability to support hundreds of concurrent users with few thousands concurrent requests or calls per day, however that could increase to millions if the venture proved to be successful. In such a case, the … More Modern Application Architecture and Java

JPA Error-Handling for the Play Framework Asynchronous Setup

This is valid for the Play Framework 2.8 Release Introduction Recently, Play Framework added asynchronous processing for blocking operations. JPA operations are generally I/O intensive and is it is one of those blocking operations that Play is recommending to process asynchronously. Play does so, by using Java “CompletionStage” interface and the “CompletableFuture” Future implementation which … More JPA Error-Handling for the Play Framework Asynchronous Setup

The Rise of the Microservices Frameworks.

The Mircroservices reference architecture and the reactive manifesto are sharing a lot of traits, you can join both to benefit from the reactive microservices architecture, for more on that, please check the book by Jonas Bonér, Reactive Microservices Architecture. Traditionally, the Microservices movement originated and flourished around the fuse of app containers such as Docker and … More The Rise of the Microservices Frameworks.

Modern Java Application Architecture, Useful Links.

(Compilation of the latest Java technologies and trends links) Java is one of the most trusted development platforms. According to Oracle it is the number one development platform, number one developer’s choice and according to a Gartner report it is used in 80% of the large Enterprise IT IS, running mission-critical systems. In recent years, … More Modern Java Application Architecture, Useful Links.